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Soar high like a kite with MyPACK

An enthusiastic session was held with some very engaging activities! We did a lot of activities for the very first time! There’s always a very interesting ‘ice breaker’; followed by an engaging social game. We played Bingo and there was a lot of happy cheering as people won! After a much needed snack break, we painted kites! They were given plain kites and they were asked to be creative and make beautiful art, which they did! Even those who lacked in the area of fine motor skills successfully engaged. We ended with song and dance, what a wonderful way to kick off the weekend!

Come Sunday morning, we gathered at Baylands Park to FLY our kites! We had a few ‘seasoned’ kite flyers who took on the responsibility of teaching those of us who were doing this for the first time! First one, then another and then another person transformed into a kite flier in front of our very own eyes! After some running around we gathered into a circle and played a circle time game about dreamy destinations we’ve traveled to and what stood out about the place! This was followed by an enthralling soccer game! Phew, what a fun weekend, all in 2 days work!

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