Stand Up for Neurodiversity Step Up for Pragnya
The New Normal
COVID has a huge impact on all our lives, some positive, but mostly negative. This past year the PRAGNYA allies have shown creativity with handling the COVID situation, May it be with weekly virtual social immersion programs OR the Community Integrations activities following all the safety and Physical distancing protocols set by out county officials.
No doubt, COVID has impacted our normal way of living, there is now reference to the PRE-COVID and POST-COVID lifestyle. With the restriction easing up in out state, it is believed that things will go back to normal, but at PRAGNYA, we have always believed that NORMAL was OVERRATED!! and going back to the OLD-NORMAL is not something we prefer, hence we decided to create our very one NEW-NORMAL!
We are keeping all out session and events going, but with a new twist and excitement. Our PRAGNYA allies decided to run our super successful annual dance event StepUp for PRAGNYA, to show our love and support to our neurodiverse friends who are part of PRAGNYA family. This time around we are opening up as a TALENT SHOW, not limiting to dance alone.
So, if you want to showcase your talent, may it be in Singing, Dancing, Magic, Playing a Musical Instrument, bring it on! Sign up for our StepUp for Pragnya if you believe that everybody needs to belong, you can participate as:
a Solo performer by paying $30
a Group (two and above) by paying $20 per person in the group
All you do is fill in the registration below and send us a 2min video of your performance. This video will be posted online on Pragnya's facebook page.
Please Note:
Proceeds from this event go to PRAGNYA for funding expansion of the program to include more children & activities for them.
This effort is entirely student run, with minimal adult intervention. We want to be the voice giving power to other students' voices. ​
For any further questions/clarifications, email us at
Visit for more info on the organization.
Visit our facebook event page for more info on the competition.